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Implications of Japan's emerging service economy/ Nukazawa, Kazuo. 1979.
Implications of modern decision science for military decision-support systems Davis, Paul K., 1943- 2005.
Implications of nanotechnology for environmental health research   2005.
Implications of new and advanced materials Technologies for the economies of ESCWA countries : proceedings ... HIGH-LEVEL workshop on the Implications of New and Advanced Materials Technologies for the Economies of the ESCWA Countries (September, 1992: Damascus. 1994.
Implications of organizational variables on waste management of the stone and marble sector in the city of Hebron / Neiroukh, Ghadah Mohammad, 2014.
Implications of quasi-fiscal activities in Ghana Chivakul, Mali. 2006.
Implications of regional trade arrangements for agricultural trade / Josling, Timothy Edward. 1997.
The implications of space in toni morrison’s selected novels / Silini, Roumaissa, 2018
Implications of the 1976 Arab-Israeli military status / Pranger, Robert J. 1976.
Implications of the TRIPS agreement on treaties administered by WIPO. World Intellectual Property Organization. 1996,2002.
The implications of the Arab spring on Iran’s nuclear program (2011-2015) / al-Hajaya, Omar Ahmad Fanatel . 2016.
Implications of the TRIPS agreement on treaties administered by WIPO. World Intellectual Property Organization. 1996,2002.
The implications of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture for developing countries : a training manual / Healy, Stephen. 1998.
آثار الحرب الأمريكية على العراق : دوليا، إقليميا ومحليا : وقائع المؤتمر الدولي الثامن، 30/5-1/6/2003 : أوراق ومداخلات لنخبة من المفكرين والأكاديميين الدوليين والعرب والفلسطينيين / جامعة بيرزيت معهد إبراهيم أبو لغد للدراسات الدولية المؤتمر الدولي 2003 : بيرزيت، فلسطين). 2003.
The implications of trade barriers for sectoral diversification and macroeconomic stability in developing economies Srour, Gabriel, 1958- 2006.
The implications of using computers: a study of the architectural profession in Puetro Rico/ Sanchez-Del-Valle, Carmin. 1991.
Implications of water management policies on water poverty in Palistine / Bushnaq, Rawand Bassam Othman. 2004.
Implicatures in discourse the case of Spanish NP anaphora / Blackwell, Sarah E. 2002.
Implicit and explicit language learning conditions, processes, and knowledge in SLA and bilingualism /   2011.
Implicit compliments in Jordanian Arabic / al-Batayneh, Hussein Hameed, 2013.
Implicit Compliments in Jordanian Arabic al-Batayneh, Hussein Hameed. 2013.
The implicit genome   2006.
Implicit meanings selected essays in anthropology / Douglas, Mary. 2001.
Implicit measures of attitudes   c2007.
Implicit parallel programming in pH / Nikhil, Rishiyur S. c2001.
علم النفس الضمني / ويجنر، دانيال م.، 1948- 1988
The implicit relation of psychology and law women and syndrome evidence / Raitt, Fiona E. 2000.
Implicit transfers in IMF lending, 1973-2003 Zettelmeyer, Jeromin. 2005.
Implicit transfers in IMF lending, 1973-2003 Zettelmeyer, Jeromin. 2005.
Implicit transfers in IMF lending, 1973-2003 Zettelmeyer, Jeromin. 2005.
Implicit transfers in IMF lending, 1973-2003 Zettelmeyer, Jeromin. 2005.
المضمر / أوركيوني، كاترين كيربرات. 2008.
جبور-BCI الضمنية / العمار، ضحى. 2014.
The implied author concept and controversy / Kindt, Tom. c2006.
The implied spider politics and theology in myth / Doniger, Wendy. 2010.
The implosion of American federalism Nagel, Robert F. 2001.
Impolite Humour in Jordanian TV shows / Othman al-Mansour, Taghreed al-Walid, 2022.
Impoliteness in language studies on its interplay with power in theory and practice /   c2008.
(Im)politeness in online customer reviews on hotels : a view from Jordan / al-Muhaise,Orouba, 2023.
Impoliteness in the guise of power : a comparative study of characters in the TV-series ‘Game of Thrones’/ al -Awamleh, Aya Talab, 2022.
Impoliteness strategies in Facebook comments on football matches in Jordanian Arabic / al-Jabali ,Yousef Ahmad, 2024.
Impoliteness strategies in Jordanian Parliamentary debates / Beidas, I'etedal Juma'a, 2020.
Impoliteness strategies in 'the fresh prince of bel-air ' : a gender based study / al-Yasin, Noor Faisal. 2016.
Import demand and possibilities for import substitution in food processing industries in Jordan/ Al-Waqfi, Mohammad Abdul Rahman. 1989.
Import-distribution relations in the Palestinian territories/ Assali, Hania. 2000.
Import substitution or export expansion as strategies for growth: a case study of Jordan/ Amerah, Mohamad Saad. 1982.
أهمية التغيرات التشريحية في إمراضيات الجيوب الأنفية : دراسة إحصائية عند مرضى جراحة الجيوب التنظيرية / جديد، رواد محمد. [200-].
أهمية تحميل الأتورفاستاين قبل إجراء التداخل على الشرايين الإكليلية عند المرضى المعالجين بالستاتينات لمدة طويلة / حيش، صالح. [200-]
The importance of being earnest / WILDE , Oscar , 1854 - 1900. 1994.
The importance of being earnest: a trivial comedy for serious people/ Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. 1950.
The importance of being earnest and other plays Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. 2003.
The importance of being earnest/ Wilde, Oscar 1854-1900. 1986.
The importance of being earnest/ Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. 1998.
The importance of being earnest, Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900. 1970.
The importance of being fuzzy : and other insights from the border between math and computers / Sangalli, Arturo, 1940- c1998.
The importance of being honest how lying, secrecy, and hypocrisy collide with truth in law / Lubet, Steven. c2008.
The importance of being witty: the book of Irish humour ... Sostavlenie, predislovie:   1986.
Importance of bonds financing as an alternative to direct debt financing (from commercial banks), and their effects on capital structure : case study of Algerian corporations / Mouziane, Fatima, 2008.
Importance of Bonds Financing As An Alternative to Direct Debt Financing (From Commercial Banks), and Their Effects on Capital Structure Case Study of Algerian Corporations / Mouziane, Fatima. 2008.
The importance of chemical and mineralogical data in evaluating apatitic phosphate ores/ Grimillion, L. R. 1978.
The importance of common metrics for advancing social science theory and research a workshop summary /   c2011.
أهمية الضمير في القرآن / يحيى، هارون 2004
أهمية الإختبارات الكيميائية الخلوية في تشخيص ابيضاضات الدم الحادة / نجيب سنان. 2005.
Importance of deforming the imaginary part of the optical potential in fitting the nucleon-nucleus elastic angular distributions within the framework of the coupled channels formalism \ Mari, Sara Rajeh Sulieman. 2018.
The importance of economic factors in urban surface water suppley systems/ Young, G. K. 1972.
The importance of feeling English American literature and the British diaspora, 1750-1850 / Tennenhouse, Leonard, 1942- c2007.
The importance of food and mealtimes in dementia care the table is set / Berg, Grethe, 1947- 2006.
أهمية نسبة مستضد الموثة النوعي الحر إلى الكلي في إنقاص عدد خزع الموثة بين الرجال بعمر خمسين سنة أو أكثر / الحسن، عبد الله. 2010.
The importance of language/ Black, Max. 1962.
The importance of not being earnest the feeling behind laughter and humor / Chafe, Wallace L. c2007.
The importance of personal selling in creating a sustainable customer base exploratory study made on Xpress telecommunications / Bawwab, Anis. [200-]
The importance of population growth to sustainability Ehrlich, Anne H. 2002.
The importance of population growth to sustainability Ehrlich, Anne H. 2002.
The importance of productivity measurement in use-case-points effort estimation / Al-Mashah, Andra Osama, 2019.
The importance of psychological traits a cross-cultural study / Williams, John E. (John Edward), 1951- c2002.
The importance of small, surface, and disturbed sites as sources of significant archeological data / Talmage, Valerie. 1977.
The importance of strategic project management process in non-governmental organization in Jordan / al-Masharfeh, Ahmad Tawfiq, 2018.
أهمية كشف العصب الحنجري الراجع في استئصال الدرق التام في مشافي جامعة دمشق بين عامي (2010-2012) / العلون، يوسف. ]200-]
The Importance of the geosciences for the supply of mineral raw materials : proceedings of an internat. symposium, held in Hannover, Fed. Rep. of Germany, at the Fed. Inst. for Geosciences and Mineral Resources, October 25-26, 1976 /   1977.
The importance of the internal control system in companies and corporate bodies/ Ghawi, George Lutfi Costandi. 1990.
The Importance of the iron and steel industry for the economic activity of ECE member countries /   1989.
The importance of the standardization / adaptation of international marketing strategies and its effect on organizational performance : a study of the fertilizers companies and chemical industries in Jordan / al-Qaisi, Ahmad Fares Ahmad, 2013.
The Importance of Time in Establishing Meaning in the Holy Qur'an / al-Omar, Mustafa Hassan Ali. 2011.
Maintaining community in the information age the importance of trust, place and situated knowledge / Evans, Karen, 1961- 2004.
The importance of using alternative texts to teach English Reading and listening skills to private school students in Amman from their teachers’ points of view / Ateyat, Amal Marwan, 2022.
أهمية إصلاح القيلة الدوالية في تحسين قيم السائل المنوي / جمال، يامن أحمد. 2011.
International Symposium on the Importance of Varieties and Clones in the Production of Quality Wine : Kecskemâet, Hungary / International Symposium on the Importance of Varieties and Clones in the Production of Quality Wine (1997 : Kecskemâet, Hungary) 1998.
The importance of vitamins to human health : proceedings of the IV Kellogg Nutrition Symposium held at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London, on 14-15 December, 1978 / Kellogg Nutrition Symposium, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1978. c1979.
دراسة أهمية تطبيق سلفات الزنك في تدبير الاسهالات المنزمنة / بولاتيان، سيفان. 2012.
Importance resampling using Chi-squared tilting / Mustafa, Ahmed Saied Bany. 1996.
Important developments in soliton theory /   c1993.
Imported foods microbiological issues and challenges /   c2008.
The imported state the westernization of the political order / Badie, Bertrand. c2000.
Importers manual USA the single source reference encyclopedia for importing to the United States / Hinkelman, Edward G., 1947- 2004.
Import/export : a guide to growth, profits, and market share / Goldsmith, Howard R., 1943- c1989.
Import/export how to get started in international trade / Nelson, Carl A., 1930- c2000.
Importing diversity inside Japan's JET Program / McConnell, David L., 1959- c2000.
IMPORTING into the United States.   1990.
Importing Madame Bovary the politics of adultery / Amann, Elizabeth. 2006.
Imports, exports, and jobs what does trade mean for employment and job loss? / Kletzer, Lori G. 2002.
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