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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 11 of 11
1. Title: Neuroendocrinology, biological and clinical aspects / edited by A. Polleri, R. M. MacLeod.
Proceedings of the Serono symposia ;
Publication: Academic Press, London ; New York : 1979.
2. Title: Neurosecretion : molecules, cells, systems / edited by Donald S. Farner and Karl Lederis.
Author: International Symposium on Neurosecretion 1980 : Friday Harbor, Wash.)
Publication: Plenum Press, New York : c1981.
3. Title: Hormones and the brain : papers presented at a workshop / organized and sponsored by the International Health Foundation on the theme, the brain as an endocrine target organ in health and disease ; edited by David de Wied and Pieter A. van Keep ; assisted by Pamela Freebody.
Publication: University Park Press, Baltimore : 1980.
4. Title: Peripheral neuroendocrine interaction / edited by R. E. Coupland and W. G. Forssmann ; with contributions by H. Billich ... [et al.].
Publication: Springer-Verlag, Berlin ; New York : 1978.
5. Title: Neurosecretion--the final neuroendocrine pathway. Edited by Francis Knowles and Lutz Vollrath.
Author: International Symposium on Neurosecretion 1973 : London, England)
Publication: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New York, 1974.
6. Title: Neuroimmunomodulation : the state of the art / edited by Nicola Fabris ... [et al.].
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ;
Publication: New York Academy of Sciences, New York, N.Y. : 1994.
7. Title: Subcellular mechanisms in reproductive neuroendocrinology : [papers] / edited by F. Naftolin and K. J. Ryan and I. J. Davies.
Author: Symposium on Subcellular Mechanisms in Reproductive Neuroendocrinology, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1975.
Publication: Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., Amsterdam : 1976.
8. Title: Metabolism of hormonal steroids in the neuroendocrine structures / editors, F. Celotti, F. Naftolin, L. Martini.
Serono symposia publications from Raven Press ;
Publication: Raven Press, New York : c1984.
9. Title: Neuroendocrinology : retrospect and perspectives / H.-W. Korf, K.-H. Usadel (eds.)
Publication: Springer, Berlin ; New York : c1997.
10. Title: Frontiers in reproductive biology : symposium to honour Professor G.E. Lamming on the occasion of his 65th Birthday held at the University of Nottingham, School of Agriculture, Sutton Bonington, 12th and 13th July 1992 / edited by N. Brooks ... [et al.].
Journal of reproduction and fertility. Supplement,
Journal of reproduction and fertility. Supplement ;
Publication: Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, Cambridge : 1992.
11. Title: Molecular biology of brain and endocrine peptidergic systems / edited by Michel Chr<U+00E9>tien and Kenneth W. McKerns.
Biochemical endocrinology
Publication: Plenum Press, New York : c1988.
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Sorts and Limits