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1. Title: Dairy microbiology / edited by R.K. Robinson.
Microbiology of milk.
Microbiology of milk products.
Publication: Applied Science Publishers, London ; New Jersey : c1981.
2. Title: Benefits and potential risks of the lactoperoxidase system of raw milk preservation : report of an FAO/WHO technical meeting, FAO headquarters, Rome, 28 November - 2 December 2005 ; [report coordinated by Anthony Bennett ... [et al.] ; edited by James Edge].
Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Publication: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations : World Health Organization, 2006. Rome :
3. Title: Incidence of listeria monocytogenes in Indian dairy products and sea foods and detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) / by Ahmed Saif Seed Moharem ; supervised by G. R. Janardhana.
تواجد listeria monocytogenes في الحليب ومشتقاتة والأغذية البحرية الهندية وتشخيصها بواسطة تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل
Author: Muharram, Ahmad Sayf Said.
Publication: 2007.
4. Title: Isolation and identification of Listeria from dairy products in Jordan using conventional methods and molecular technique / by Suheir Mahmoud al-Mahadin ; supervised by Basem Fou'ad Dababneh, co-supervisor Lamya Jawad al-Diwany.
عزل وتشخيص بكتيريا الليستيريا من منتجات الألبان في الأردن باستخدام طرق التشخيص التقليدية والتقنيات الحيوية
Author: al-Mahadin, Suhayr Mahmud.
Publication: 2007.
5. Title: Study of addition of some dried fruit extracts on the growth and stability of bifidobacteria in different milk types/ by Meshref Awad al-Rowaily ; supervised by Mohammed I. Yamani.
Author: Al-Rowaily, Meshref Awad.
Publication: 2005.
6. Title: Occurrence of Enterobacter Sakazakii in milk powders, powdered infant formula and food production environment / by Wail Ahmad al-Omari ; supervised by Reyad Shaker, co-supervisor Mahmoud al-Zoubi.
في الحليب الناشف و أغذية الأطفال المجففة و بيئة مصانع الأغذية Enterobacter Sakazakii دراسة وجود بكتيريا.
Author: al-Omari, Wail Ahmad.
Publication: 2005.
7. Title: Growth interaction between lactic acid bacteria starter culture with or without Bifidobacterium spp. on the growth of staphylococcus aureus during milk fermentation and storage / by Yassir Mohammad Khalil Hamamdeh ; supervised by Khalaf S. al-Delaimy.
خلال تخمر الحليب وتخزينة Staphylococcus aureus على نمو Bifidobacterium spp. تداخل نمو بادئ بكتيريا حامض اللاكتيك مع أو بدون إضافة
Author: Hamamidah, Yasir Muhammad Khalil.
Publication: 2011.
8. Title: Effect of acid, alkaline, chlorine and ethanol stresses on the thermal inactivation of Enterobacter Sakazakii in infant milk formula / by Amin Nasser Olaimat ; supervised by Tareq Osaili, co-supervisor Reyad Shaker.
في تراكيب الرضع Enterobacter Sakazakii تأثير صدمات الحامض و القاعدة و الكلور و الإيثانول على التثبيط الحراري لبكتيريا.
Author: Olaimat, Amin Nasser.
Publication: 2008.
9. Title: Comparison of the thermal inactivation of enterobacter sakazakll in different types of rehydrated milk and infant milk formulas / by Mohammed alHaddaq ; supervised by Tareq Osaili, co-supervisor Reyad Shaker.
مقارنة تثبيط ميكروب الأنتروباكتر سكازاكي بالحرارة في عدة أنواع من الحليب وحليب الأطفال الرضع المعاد مزجها بالماء
Author: al-Haddaq, Muhammad.
Publication: 2008.
10. Title: Microbial and nutritional evaluation of selected infant milk formulas in Jordan/ by Hana' Ahmad J. Freihat ; supervised by Mohammed I. Yamani.
Author: Freihat, Hana' Ahmad J.
Publication: 2004.
11. Title: The role of Bacillus cereus and bacterial proteinases in gelation defect of UHT milk / by Khaled Mahmood Qadora ; supervised by Reyad R. Shaker, co-supervisor Ziad W. Jaradat.
و أنزيمات البكتيريا المحللة للبروتين في عيب التخثر للحليب المعقم طويل الأجل Bacillus cereus دور بكتيريا
Author: Qaddurah, Khalid Mahmoud.
Publication: 2007.
12. Title: Prevalence and characterization of staphylococcus aureus isolated from bulk tank milk dairy cow farms in West Bank-Palestine / by Haya Isayed ; supervised by Dr. Ghaleb Adwan.
انتشار وتوصيف المكورات العنقودية الذهبية المعزولة من حليب الصهاريج في مزارع البقر في الضفة الغربية-فلسطين
Author: Isayed, Haya,
Publication: 2018.
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