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1. Title: A Mediterranean society: the Jewish communities of the Arab world as portrayed in the documents of the Cairo Geniza/ by S. D. Goitein.
Author: Goitein, Solomon Dob Fritz, 1900.
Publication: University of California P., Berkeley: 1967.
2. Title: Fragments from the Cairo genizah in the Freer Collection/ edited by Richard Gottheil and William H. Worrell.
Author: Cottheil, Richard James Horatio, 1862-1936.
Publication: Macmiollan Co., New York: 1972.
3. Title: Arabic legal and administrative documents in the Cambridge Genizah collections / [edited by] Geoffrey Khan.
Genizah series / Cambridge University Library ;
Genizah series ;
Author: Cambridge University Library.
Publication: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge ; New York, NY, USA : 1993.
4. Title: The collected articles of Jacob Mann/ Jacob Mann.
Author: Mann, Jacob, 1888-1940.
Publication: M.Shalom, Gedera: 1971.
5. Title: Jewish self-government in medieval Egypt : the origins of the office of head of the Jews, ca. 1065-1126 / Mark R. Cohen.
Princeton studies on the Near East.
Author: Cohen, Mark R., 1943-
Publication: Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. : c1980.
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Sorts and Limits