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Title: Fifth International Restorer Seminar = Fèunftes Internationales Seminar fèur Restauratoren = Cinquiلeme Cours International pour Restaurateurs / National Centre of Museums ; [editor, Istvâan âEri ; translations by Andrea Kâarpâati ... et al.]. Fèunftes Internationales Seminar fèur Restauratoren
Fèunftes Internationales Seminar fèur Restauratoren Fèunftes Internationales Seminar fèur Restauratoren
Cinquiلeme Cours International pour Restaurateurs Fèunftes Internationales Seminar fèur Restauratoren
Veszprâem, Hungary, 29.6.-9.7. 1985 Fèunftes Internationales Seminar fèur Restauratoren

Main Entry: International Restorer Seminar (5th : 1985 : Veszprem, Hungary)
âEri, Istvâan.
Kèozponti Mâuzeumi Igazgatâosâag (Hungary)

Publisher: National Centre of Museums, with the support of UNESCO,
Publication Date: 1985.
Publication Place: Budapest :
ISBN: 9630168642

Subject: Art -- Conservation and restoration -- Congresses.
Cultural property -- Protection -- Congresses.
Museum conservation methods -- Congresses.

Contents: v. 1. Common responsibilities and tasks of the restorer, scientist and museologist in storing and exhibiting the objects of art, with particular regard to the problems of exhibit installations and show-cases. -- Inaugral address / âEri Istvâan -- Responsabilitâe commune du restaurateur du scientifique et du musâeologue / Giuseppe Basile -- Some simple consideration on the problem of relative humidity inside buildings / Hanna Jedrzejewska -- An approach to the conservation of art works / Tosiko Kenjo -- A standard for conditions of display / Arthur David Baynes-Cope -- A short survey of the new exhibition department of the New York Public Library / Myriam Sanchez Posada de Arteni -- New display case for a Hungarian coronation mantle from the 11th century / Dâaniel L. Pâecsi -- Some ethical problems in the conservation of mural paintings / Hanna Jedrzejewska -- The beginnings of the modern mural painting restoration in Hungary / Dezsîo Dercsâenyi -- Chemische Pigmentverèanderungen und deren Berèucksichtigung bei der Untersuchung von Wandmalereien und Architekturfassungen / Dietrich Rehbaum -- Preparation of wall paintings in the Roman province of Pannonia, according to recent investigations / Mâarta Jâaro -- The early Christian mausoleum of Pâecs / Ferenc Fèulep -- Restoration problems early Christian crypts with murals in Pâecs / Attila Pintâer, Angel Radukov -- Architectural planning of defence buildings for the late Roman monuments of Pâecs / Zoltâan Bachmann -- Murals in the main building of the Balâaca villa / Szilvia Palâagyi -- Restoration of mural paintings at Balâaca / Istvâan Felhîosi, âEva Krâal -- Experiences of the between 1962-74 conserved fresco fragments' in situ installation in Gorsium / Judit Perjâes-Bakay -- Problems conserving the archeological reconstruction of the aisle walls of a room with a mural painting at Szîony / Endre Biro -- Reconstruction of excavated Romano-British wall-plaster fragments and exhibition / Peter Shorer -- The "reconstructed copy" as a method of restoring lost iconography (on the example of the "Last Judgement" composition from Aten, Georgia) / Adolph N. Ovchinikov -- On the choice of solvents in the processes of monumental painting restoration with the application of polybutyl methacrylate / E.P. Mel'nikova -- The study and restoration of antique fresco from Nymphaeum (northern Prichernomorje, 3rd cent. B.C.) / L.P. Gagen, L.S. Gavrilenko -- Die restaurierung des Wandbildes "Heiliger Christophorus" im Dom zu Erfurt / Roland Mèoller -- Die restaurierung der Wandgemèalde in Kraskovo / Ladislav Szâekely, Milan Togner -- Les problلemes de la restauration et de la prâesentation des peintures murales / Petra Hoftichova -- Historische Sgraffitotechniken / Rudolfine Seeber -- Some basic consideration on the conservation and restoration of sgraffito fassades / Wolfgang Baatz -- Klimt's Beethovenfries von 1902 und die Restaurierprobleme der Wandmalereien des 19. und frèuhen 20. Jahrhunderts / Manfred Koller.
v. 2. Problems of re-restoration / Peter Shorer -- The preservation of repeated damages in sculpture / Arkady S. Antonyan, Nicholas N. Bankovsky -- Problلemes de restitution des oeuvres d'art mediâevales ayant subi plusieurs restaurations dans le passâe / Oleg Yakhont -- Die Beeintrèachtigung der kèunstlerischen Einheit in Kunstwerken durch Restaurierung-dargestellt an einem Gemèalde (Sebastiano del Piombo?) / Gudrun Hebert -- Quelques examples de vandalisme en peinture / Sâegolene Bergeon -- Gemèaldeattentate. Attentat auf den Erzherzog Albrecht von èOsterreich von Peter Paul Rubens / Heinz Althèofer -- The restoration of the paintings from the water-fortress of the one-time landcommandery of the German order of knighthood Alden Biesen (Rijkhoven - province of Belgian Limburg) / Krystyna Wazgird -- Restoration of the damages of the paintings stolen from the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest / Miklâos Morâe -- On the preservation of Csontvâary's pictures / Ferenc Czako, Terâez Tarai -- Stretching frame structure for stretching canvases especially those of large size evenly / Walter Madarassy, jun. -- The training of restorers / Johan Lodewijks -- Kèunstlerrestaurator oder Restaurierungsingenieur? / Ingo Sandner -- Is there a need for international uniformity in the field of conservation training? / Mette Tang Simpson -- Handbuch der restauratorenbildung und der Restaurierungspraxis / W±adys±aw âSlesiânski -- Erstellung von Unterrichts- und Fortbildungsmaterialien fèur Restauratoren am Beispiel der Problematik des Lèosungsmitteleinsatzes in der Restaurierung / Gerhard Banik, Gabriella Krist -- La formation des restaurateurs de sculpture / Myriam Serck-Dewaide -- Present-day situation and problems of book and paper conservators' training in Hungary / Beatrix Kastaly -- Was kèonnen wir von aussereuropèaischen Restaurierungsmethoden lernen? Sind diese techniken in Mitteleuropa anwendsbar? / Isabelle Sperl-Bosse -- Artist, preserver and the question of survival for contemporary painting / Stefan Arteni -- The preparation and the examination of paint cross-sections, applied to paintings by Vilmos Huszâar / Matthijs De Keijzer -- Petrography and microbiology in monuments and art objects preservation / Pâal Kertâesz, Attila Koltai, Pâal Nâemeth -- Cleaning and conservation of marble statues in public places and in museums / âEva Orcsik, Andrâas Szilâagyi -- Making worn medals and coins legible through X-raying / Zsolt Koppâan -- Wirkung der Holzkonservierungsmittel auf die Mikromorphologie der Obernflèache des Nadelholzes - rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen / Andrâas Morgos, Erzsâebet Gondâar -- Die Restaurierung der gotischen Pieta aus den Sammlungen des Slovakischen Nationalmuseums in Bratislava / Lubomir Skvaril, Magdalena Johanidesova -- Zu Stand und Ergebnissen der Konservierung von Holzbauteilen an der Lafette des Stabring-geschèutzes "Faule Magd" / Dieter Nissel, Achim Unger -- Recording evidence - the documentation of textile objects / Karen Finch -- Problems of completing goldsmith's enamel / Kâaroly Pâajer -- Scientific examination and re-restoration of early mediaeval goldsmith's objects found under the cathedral in Poznan / Janusz Lehmann -- Restaurierungsarbeiten an einer kèoniglichen Juwelengarnitur des 18. jahrhunderts / Christine Wendt -- Restoration and display of Egyptian stucco mummy masks from the period of Roman Empire / Irâen Vozil -- Archeological excavations of Aquincum from 1778 to our days. "Thermae maiores" of the Roman military camp / Melinda Kaba -- Presentation at Obuda of the remains from Roman and mediaeval buildings / Lâaszlâo âAgosthâazi.

Cover Image: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/9630168642.jpg

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