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1. Title: Hormonal function and the kidney / edited by Barry M. Brenner and Jay H. Stein.
Contemporary issues in Nephrology ;
Publication: Churchill Livingstone, New York : 1979.
2. Title: Drug use in renal disease / D. Craig Brater ; with the assistance of Polavat Chennavasin.
Author: Brater, D., Craig.
Publication: ADIS Health Science Press, Sydney ; Boston : c1983.
3. Title: The effects of meloxicam on renal functions and serum uric acid in hypertensive patients with arthritis / by Maher Ibrahim Ismail ; supervised by Dr. Jonaya M. Sarsam.
تأثیر المیلوكسیكام على وظائف الكلى وحامض البولیك في مصل الدم في مرضى فرط ضغط الدم مع التھاب المفاصل
Author: Ismail, Maher Ibrahim,
Publication: 2009.
4. Title: Comparison between the effect of bromocriptine & cabergoline on serum prolactin level, liver & renal function tests on patients with hyperprolactinemia / by Shatha Hani Mohamad ; supervised by Prof. Dr. Isam Hamo Mahmood.
مقارنة بین تأثیر عقاري البروموكربتین والكابركولین على مستوى الھرمون اللبني ووظائف الكبد والكلى في مصل الدم في النساء اللاتي یعانین من ارتفاع الھرمون اللبني
Author: Mohamad, Shatha Hani,
Publication: 2008.
5. Title: Renal pharmacotherapy : dosage adjustment of medications eliminated by the kidneys / Larry K. Golightly ... [et al.], editors.
Publication: Springer, New York : c2013.
6. Title: Renal effects of low dose of Aspirin in adults / by Yasir Adeeb Mahmood al-Sarraj ; supervised by Dr. Jonaya M. Sarsam.
تأثیر الجرعة الصغیرة لعقار الأسبرین على وظائف الكلى فـي البالغین
Author: al-Sarraj, Yasir Adeeb Mahmood,
Publication: 2008.
7. Title: Effect of losartan on renal function tests and serum lipid profile in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus / by Mohammad Najim Abed al-Haialy ; supervised by Dr. Fadhil Abbas al-Hammami.
تأثیر عقار اللوسارتان على وظائف الكلى ومستوى الدھون في مرضى ارتفاع ضغط الدم مع السكري من النوع الثاني
Author: al-Haialy, Mohammad Najim Abed,
Publication: 2009.
8. Title: Renal function in anaesthesia and surgery / David R. Bevan.
Author: Bevan, David R.
Publication: Academic Press ; Grune & Stratton, London : New York : 1979.
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