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Sorts and Limits

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1. Title: Textbook of critical care / [compiled by] William C. Shoemaker, W. Leigh Thompson, Peter R. Holbrook ; with the editorial collaboration of Gwen Berry.
Publication: Saunders, Philadelphia : 1984.
2. Title: Synopsis of critical care / edited by William J. Sibbald ; illustrated by Catherine Farley.
Publication: Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore : c1984.
Edition: 2nd ed.
3. Title: Intensive care manual / edited by T.E. Oh.
Publication: Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford ; Boston : 1997.
Edition: 4th ed.
4. Title: Principles of critical care / [edited by] Janet K. Ihde, Wayne K. Jacobsen, Burton A. Briggs.
Publication: Saunders, Philadelphia : 1987.
5. Title: Predictive value of glasgow coma scale versus full outline of unresponsiveness (four) score to predict extubation failure among patients in intensive care units by Gada Zaid Mesleh ; Supervised by Muhammad Waleed Darawad.
القيمة التنبؤية لمقياس غلاسكو للغيبوبة مقابل المخطط الكامل لعدم الاستجابة (المقياس الرباعي) للتنبؤ بفشل إزالة جهاز التنفس الصناعي عن مرضى وحدات الرعاية الحثيثة
Author: Mesleh, Gada Zaid.
Publication: 2018.
6. Title: Mosby's comprehensive review of critical care / edited by Donna A. Zschoche ; special art, Ian Wells ; special photography, Richard C. Farrell.
Comprehensive review of critical care.
Publication: Mosby, Saint Louis : 1976.
7. Title: Critical care medicine : principles of diagnosis and management in the adult / [edited by] Joseph E. Parrillo, R. Phillip Dellinger.
Publication: Elsevier/Saunders, Philadelphia, PA : 2014.
Edition: 4th ed.
8. Title: Workbook for critical care nurses / Una Brown.
Author: Brown, Una.
Publication: Butterworths, Durban : c1989.
9. Title: Succinct pediatrics : evaluation and management for common and critical care / editors, Leonard G. Feld, John D. Mahan.
Publication: American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, IL : 2015.
10. Title: Oh's intensive care manual / edited by Andrew D. Bersten, Neil Soni.
Intensive care manual
Publication: Butterworth-Heinemann Elsevier, Oxford : 2014.
Edition: Seventh edition.
11. Title: Key topics in critical care / edited by Tim Craft, Jerry Nolan, Mike Parr.
Publication: Taylor & Francis, London ; New York : 2004.
Edition: 2nd ed.
12. Title: The Pharmacologic approach to the critically ill patient / editor, Bart Chernow, associate editor, C. Raymond Lake.
Publication: Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore : c1983.
13. Title: Principles of critical care (Hall)
Principles of critical care / editors, Jesse B. Hall, MD, Professor of Medicine and Anesthesia and Critical Care, Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Gregory A. Schmidt, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Diseases, Critical Care, and Occupational Medicine, Associate Chief Medical Officer, Critical Care, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, John P. Kress, MD, Professor of Medicine, Director, Medical ICU, Department of Medicine, Sectionof Pulmonary and Crticial Care, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.
Publication: McGraw-Hill Education, New York : [2015]
Edition: Fourth edition.
14. Title: Behavioral concepts and the critically ill patient / Sharon L. Roberts.
Author: Roberts, Sharon L., 1942-
Publication: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : c1976.
15. Title: Acute coronary care / Marjorie A. Boldt.
Critical care nursing series
A Wiley medical publication
Author: Boldt, Marjorie A.
Publication: Wiley, New York : c1983.
16. Title: Manual of intensive care medicine : with annotated key references / [edited by] James Rippe, Marie Csete.
A Little, Brown spiral manual.
Little, Brown spiral manual.
Publication: Little, Brown, Boston : c1983.
Edition: 1st ed.
17. Title: Ultrasound in anesthetic practice.
Ultrasound in anesthesia, critical care and pain management / edited by Graham Arthurs and Barry Nicholls.
Publication: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom ; [New York] : 2016.
Edition: Second edition.
18. Title: Critical care handbook of the Massachusetts General Hospital / senior editor, Luca M. Bigatello ; associate editors, Rae M. Allain [and others].
Publication: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia : 2006.
Edition: 4th ed.
19. Title: Perceived knowledge, attitudes, practice, and barriers to evidence-based practice among Jordanian Nurses in intensive care units by Ma’moun Abed Al-Hamed Salah ; Supervised by Fathieh Abu-Moghli.
المعرفة، التوجهات، الممارسة والعوائق المدركة التي تحول دون الممارسة المبنية على الأدلة لدى الممرضين والممرضات الأردنيين العاملين في وحدات الرعاية الحثيثة
Author: Salah, Ma’moun Abed Al-Hamed.
Publication: 2018.
20. Title: Incidence and associated factors of acute kidney injury post percutaneous coronary intervention \ by Mariam Taisir AL-Nadi ; Supervised by Mahmoud Ali Maharmeh.
نسبة تأثر وظائف الكلى والعوامل المساعدة بعد القسطرة القلبية
Author: al-Nadi, Mariam Taisir.
Publication: 2018.
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Sorts and Limits