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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 12 of 12
1. Title: Language and ethnic relations / edited by Howard Giles and Bernard Saint-Jacques.
Publication: Pergamon Press, Oxford ; New York : 1979.
2. Title: Language, culture, and society : an introduction to linguistic anthropology / Zdenek Salzmann.
Author: Salzmann, Zden�ek.
Publication: Westview Press, Boulder, Colo. : 1998.
Edition: 2nd ed.
3. Title: Anthropological linguistics : an introduction / William A. Foley.
Language in society ;
Language in society (Oxford, England) ;
Author: Foley, William A.
Publication: Blackwell Publishers, Malden, MA : 1997.
4. Title: The voice of prophecy and other essays / Edwin Ardener ; edited by Malcolm Chapman.
Author: Ardener, Edwin.
Publication: Blackwell, Oxford, OX, UK ; New York, NY, USA : 1989.
5. Title: Aspects of language and culture / Carol M. Eastman.
Chandler & Sharp publications in anthropology
Author: Eastman, Carol M. , 1941
Publication: Chandler & Sharp, San Francisco : c1975.
6. Title: Language in ethnicity : a view of basic ecological relations / by Harald Haarmann.
Contributions to the sociology of language ;
Author: Haarmann, Harald.
Publication: Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin ; New York : c1986.
7. Title: Verbal art as performance / Richard Bauman ; with supplementary essays by Barbara A. Babcock ... [et al.].
Author: Bauman, Richard.
Publication: Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, Ill. : 1984, c1977.
8. Title: Codeswitching : anthropological and sociolinguistic perspectives / edited by Monica Heller.
Contributions to the sociology of language ;
Publication: Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin ; New York : 1988.
9. Title: Language, culture, and society : a book of readings / [compiled by] Ben G. Blount.
Publication: Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, Ill. : c1995.
Edition: 2nd [rev.] ed.
10. Title: Linguistic Anthropology / edited by Darshna Tyagi.
Publication: ANMOL Publications PVT,LTD., New Delhi : 2006.
11. Title: The prehistory of language / edited by Rudolf Botha, Chris Knight.
Studies in the evolution of language ;
Oxford linguistics
Oxford linguistics.
Studies in the evolution of language ;
Publication: Oxford University Press, Oxford ; New York : 2009.
12. Title: Variation and change in language : essays / by William Bright ; selected and introduced by Anwar S. Dil.
Language science and national development
Author: Bright, William, 1928-
Publication: Stanford University Press, Stanford, Calif. : 1976.
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Sorts and Limits