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Sorts and Limits

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1. Title: Michel Foucault : the will to truth / Alan Sheridan.
Author: Sheridan, Alan.
Publication: Tavistock, London ; New York : 1980.
2. Title: Social movements : critiques, concepts, case-studies / edited by Stanford M. Lyman.
Main trends of the modern world
Publication: Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke : 1995.
3. Title: Three worlds of development: the theory and practice of international stratification/ Irving Louis Horowitz.
Author: Horowitz, Irving Louis.
Publication: Oxford U. P., New York: 1966.
4. Title: The costs of economic growth/ by E. J. Mishan.
Author: Mishan, Edward J.
Publication: Penguin, London: 1973.
5. Title: Without Marx or Jesus: the new American Revolution has begun/ by Jean- Francois Revel ; with an afterword by Mary McCarthy ; translated by J. F. Bernard.
Author: Revel, Jean-Francois.
Publication: MacGibbon & Kee, London: 1971.
6. Title: The making of a counter culture: reflections on the technocratic society and its youthful opposition/ Theodore Roszak.
A Doubleday Anchor book
Author: Roszak, Theodore.
Publication: Doubleday, Garden City, N. Y.: 1969.
7. Title: World without borders [by] Lester R. Brown.
Author: Brown, Lester Russell, 1934-
Publication: Vintage Books New York, [1973, c1972]
8. Title: Problems of modern society : a sociological perspective / edited by Peter Worsley ; contributing editors ... [others].
Open University set book
Penguin education
Author: Worsley, Peter,
Publication: Penguin, Harmondsworth ; New York : 1978.
Edition: 2nd ed.
9. Title: Lettres à une étudiante / Alain Touraine.
Author: Touraine, Alain.
Publication: Editions du Seuil, Paris : 1974.
10. Title: The New Left reader.
Author: Oglesby, Carl, 1935-
Publication: Grove Press New York, [1969]
11. Title: The third wave / by Alvin Toffler.
Author: Toffler, Alvin.
Publication: Morrow, New York : 1980.
Edition: 1st ed.
12. Title: Grounds for optimism/ L. V. Bobrov ; translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
Author: Bobrov, Lev Viktorovich.
Publication: Mir Pub., Moscow: 1981.
Edition: ed. 2.
13. Title: Grounds for optimism/ L. V. Bobrov ; translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
Author: Bobrov, Lev Viktorovich.
Publication: Mir Pub., Moscow: 1981.
14. Title: Powershift : knowledge, wealth, and violence at the edge of the 21st century / Alvin Toffler.
Author: Toffler, Alvin.
Publication: Bantam Books, New York : 1990.
15. Title: The Limits to growth; a report for the Club of Rome's project on the predicament of mankind [by] Donella H. Meadows [and others]
Publication: Universe Books New York, [1972]
16. Title: The Limits to growth; a report for the Club of Rome's project on the predicament of mankind [by] Donella H. Meadows [and others]
Publication: Universe Books New York, [1974]
17. Title: The storming of the mind / Robert Hunter.
An Anchor book,
Author: Hunter, Robert, 1940 Or 41-
Publication: Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y., 1972.
18. Title: The Limits to growth : a report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind / Donella H. Meadows ... [et al.].
Publication: Universe Books, New York : 1974.
Edition: 2nd ed.
19. Title: Future Shock / Alvin Toffler.
Author: Toffler, Alvin, 1928-
Publication: Pan Books, London : 1970.
20. Title: Limits to growth. German.
Die Grenzen des Wachstums : Bericht des Club of Rome zur Lage der Menschheit / Dennis Meadows ... [et al.].
Dva informativ
Publication: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart : 1972.
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Sorts and Limits