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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 8 of 8
1. Title: The pick of "Punch": an annual selection/ London Punch.
Author: Punch, London.
Publication: Chatto and Windus, London: 19--.
2. Title: Parkinson`s law or the pursuit of progress/ C. Northcote Parkinson.
Author: Parkinson, C. Northcote.
Publication: John Murray, London: 1958.
3. Title: You have my word : a fifth collection of stories from 'My word!' a panel game devised by Edward J. Mason and Tony Shryane / Frank Muir and Denis Norden.
Author: Muir, Frank.
Publication: Methuen London, London : 1989.
4. Title: The English sense of humour, and other essays/ Sir Harold G. Nicolson.
Author: Nicolson, Sir Harold George, 1886.
Publication: Constable, London: 1956.
5. Title: Shakespeare and myself / by George Mikes ; drawings by David Langdon.
Author: Mikes, George,
Publication: Allan Wingate, London : 1954.
6. Title: Blithe spirits: an anthology of Catholic humor/ Dan Herr and Joel Wells.
Author: Herr, Dan.
Publication: Image Books, Garden City: 1963.
7. Title: Humorous poems/ sclected and edited by William Michael Rossetti.
Author: Rossetti, William Michael, 1829-1919.
Publication: AMS P., New York: 1970.
8. Title: The English comic characters/ J. B. Priestley.
Author: Priestley, John Boynton, 1894.
Publication: The Bodley head, London: 1963.
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Sorts and Limits