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Sorts and Limits

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1. Title: A comprehensive Persian-English dictionary : including the Arabic words and phrases to by met with in Persian literature/ F. Steingass.
Author: Steingass,F.
Publication: Routledge & Kegan Paul, London: 1984.
2. Title: The Shorter Persian English Dictionary : Treating 30,000 words and idioms used in modern Persian / by S. Haim
Author: Ḥayyīm, Sulaymān.
Publication: Y. Beroukhim & Sons, Iran : 1958
Edition: 3rd ed., revised and enlarged
3. Title: Sufism : a dictionary with profiles of saint-poets / T.C. Rastogi.
Author: rastogi, Tara Charan.
Publication: Sterling Publishers, New Delhi : c1990.
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Sorts and Limits