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معوقات الاتصال لدى طلبة الجامعة الأردنية من وجهة نظرهم / العدرة، إبراهيم أحمد خليل. 2013.
عوائق الاتصال الزواجي والطلاق : دراسة على عينة من المطلقين والمطلقات في الأردن / جمعة، وفاء عدنان محمود. 2016.
Communication-based assessment for bank operations Mitchell, Paul. c2007.
Communication behavior in organizations / Sanford, Aubrey C. c1976.
Communication Rosner, Bob. c2001.
Communication breakdown of brain injured adults / Broida, Helen, 1916- c1979.
The communication centers and oral communication programs in higher education : advantages, challenges, and new directions / Yook, Eunkyong Lee. 2012.
Communication circuits: analysis and design/ Clarke, Kenneth K. 1971.
Communication competence in a multicultural team in engineering projects, for a better performance Hamdalla, Wafaa Morshed. 2019.
Communication consultants in political campaigns ballot box warriors / Friedenberg, Robert V. 1997.
Communication, corporate annual reports and perception engineering   c2002.
Communication Rayudu, C. S. 2010.
Communication, curriculum and classroom practice / Latham, Clare. 2015.
Communication Design : insights from the creative industries / Yates, Derek. 2015.
اضطرابات التواصل بين النظرية والتطبيق = Communication disorders / سالم، أسامة فاروق مصطفى. 2014
Communication disorders in Spanish speakers theoretical, research and clinical aspects /   c2007.
Communication disorders in Spanish speakers theoretical, research and clinical aspects /   c2007.
Communication disorders and children with psychiatric and behavioral disorders /   c1999.
Communication disorders in Spanish speakers theoretical, research and clinical aspects /   c2007.
Communication disorders in the classroom / Haynes, William O. c1994.
Communication disorders; remedial principles and practices. Dickson, Stanley, 1927- [1974]
Communication electronics for technicians. Temes, Lloyd. [1974]
Communication en images 33 sequences video de A2 a B2 /   2006.
التواصل بين تونس وإسطنبول من سنة 1860 إلى سنة 1913 : المقاطعة والمركز / زنتي، أندرياس تنغر 2017
Communication experiments for electrical engineering communication department : manual book / Mohammad, Muaz . [2006].
Communication for business and secretarial students / Woolcott, Lysbeth A. 1974.
Communication for business students/ Parsons, Christopher James. 1978.
Communication for business students/ Parsons, Christopher James. 1978.
Communication for development roundtable report : focus on sustainable development : 9th United Nations Communication for Development Roundtable, 6-9 September 2004, Rome, Italy / United Nations Communication for Development Roundtable 2004: Rome, Italy) c2005.
Communication for health professionals / Smith, Voncile M. c1979.
Communication for health professionals/ Smith, Voncile M. 1970.
Communication for management and business / Sigband, Norman B. c1982.
Communication for nurses : talking with patients / Sheldon, Lisa Kennedy. 2005.
Communication for professional engineers / Scott, W. P. 1998.
وظائف الاتصال في ضوء توجيهات القرآن الكريم / فيحان، حسن علي عبد، 2016.
Communication games / Byrne, Donn, 1929- 1979.
Communication games in a language programme. GREATBritain. British Council. 1979.
Communication habits for the pilgrim church Vatican teaching on media and society / Kappeler, Warren Anthony, 1973- c2009.
Communication impact on non-contiguous allocation strategies for 2-d mesh multicomputer systems / al-Lami, Zaid Mustafa, 2012.
Communication in an expanding organization: a case study in action research. Moonman, Eric. 1970.
تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها / عبد العال، عبد الفتاح رمضان 2010
Communication in business and industry/ Schutte, William M. 1960.
Communication in business/ Little, Peter. 1967.
Communication in extension : a teaching and learning guide / Carey, Harry A. 1999.
Communication in health care : the human connection in the life cycle / Collins, Mattie, 1929- 1983.
Communication in health care : understanding and implementing effective human relationships / Collins, Mattie, 1929- 1977.
Communication in IT Age Sharma, Dhiraj. 2010.
Communication in management / Hargie, Owen. c1999.
Communication in management: a guide to administrative communication/ Redfield, Charles E. 1953.
Communication in nursing / Balzer-Riley, Julia W. c2008.
Communication in nursing / Balzer-Riley, Julia W., [2017]
Communication in nursing care/ Bridge, Will. 1981.
Oxford textbook of communication in oncology and palliative care /   2017.
Communication in organizations : selected readings /   1977.
Communication in palliative care : clear practical advice, based on a series of real case studies / Dunphy, Janet. 2011.
الاتصال في التربية البدنية والرياضة = Communication in physical education and sport / الشافعي، حسن أحمد 2005
Communication in poultry grower relations a blueprint to success / Cole, Larry, 1945- c2000.
Communication in retailing/ Boggs, Pamela. 1969.
Communication in supervisory management/ Compton, Henry. 1969.
Communication in the business organization/ Scholz, William. 1962.
Communication in the community : an international study on the role of the mass media in seven communities.   1981, c1982.
Communication in the design process Brown, Stephen A., 1953- 2001.
Communication in the nursing context / Bradley, Jean C., 1927- c1982.
Communication in the presidential primaries candidates and the media, 1912-2000 / Kendall, Kathleen E., 1937- c2000.
Communication in writing/ Pardoe, Frank Ernest. 1965.
Communication intervention : birth to three / Rossetti, Louis Michael. c1996.
Communication issues in autism and Asperger syndrome do we speak the same language? / Bogdashina, Ol?ga. 2005.
Communication, language and literacy / Callander, Nichola. c2010.
Communication media in education for low-income countries : implications for planning / McAnany, Emile G. 1980.
أساليب الاتصال بين طلبة الصف الثالث في المجموعات التعاونية أثناء حل مسائل الجمع والطرح / أحمد محمد صدقي توفيق شقيرات. 2008.
Mapping world communication : war, progress, culture / Mattelart, Armand. c1994.
التواصل متعدد اللغات : الترجمة التجارية والمؤسساتية / غيدير، ماتيو. 2010
Communication nets: stochastic message flow and delay/ Kleinrock, Leonard. 1964.
Communication network reliability based on lost call traffic / Sutari, Moh'd J. 1996.
Communication network terminal reliability/ Khatim, Nazeeh I. 1994.
Communication networking an analytical approach / Kumar, Anurag. c2004.
Communication networks for manufacturing / Pimentel, Juan R. c1990.
Communication networks management / Terplan, Kornel. c1987.
The communication of ideas, a series of addresses. Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Institute for Religious and Social Studies. 1964 [c1948]
Communication of innovation: a cross-cultural approach/ Rogers, Everett M. 1971.
Communication of scientific information /   c1975.
Communication of social support : messages, interactions, relationships, and community /   c1994.
خيارات التواصل : في تعليم الأطفال الصم / ليناس، وندي 2010.
Communication patterns of engineers Tenopir, Carol. 2004.
COMMUNICATION pedagogy: approaches to teaching undergraduate courses in communication/   1992.
Communication planning revisited / Hancock, Alan, fl. 1965- 1992.
Communication policies in Colombia / Causa Comâun. Technical Dept. 1977.
Communication policies in Costa Rica/ Fonseca, Jaime M. 1977.
Communication policies in the Republic of Korea / Han, Pae-ho. 1978.
Communication policies in Yugoslavia : a study / Lekoviâc, Zdravko. 1976.
Communication policies in Yugoslavia : a study / Lekoviâc, Zdravko. 1976.
Communication politics in Kenya/ Mwaura, Peter. 1980.
Communication practice in spoken English/ Chaplen, Frank. 1975.
Communication problems in mental retardation: diagnosis and management/ Lillywhite, Herold S. 1969.
Communication progressive du francais des affaires avec 250 activites / PENFORNIS, Jean - Luc. 2010.
درجة جودة التواصل بين الزوجين وعلاقتها بالتكيف الزواجي لدى عينة من الأزواج في مدينة عمان / أنشراح يوسف موسى 2009.
Communication satellites : their development and impact / Hudson, Heather E. c1990.
Communication satellites/ Mueller, George Edwin, 1918. 1964.
Communication science theory and research : an advanced introduction / Krcmar, Marina, 2016.
Communication skill Kelly, Joshua. 2007.
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