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Cinematography : theory and practice : imagemaking for cinematographers and directors / Brown, Blain, 2016.
Appreciative sharing of knowledge : leverage knowledge management for strategic change / Thatchenkery, Tojo Joseph. c2004.
Language, meaning, and context / Lyons, John, 1932- 1981.
Red star on the Nile : the Soviet-Egyptian influence relationship since the June war / Rubinstein, Alvin Z. c1977.
A fractional study of klein-fock-gordon equation: dual-wave solutions Farah Fakhri Al-Qura'n 2021
A-frame Randl, Chad. c2004.
إطار عام لعقيدة أمن قومي فلسطيني / حسين, آغا . 2006.
عبادة الإنسان الحر / رسل، برتراند، 1872-1970 2009
A Fusion-based Extraction of Key Phrases From Abstracts of Scientific Articles Amjed Kameel Tawfiq Ayoub 2016
The final conflict, Omen II / McGill, Gordon, 1943-, 1980.
The final conflict, Omen II / McGill, Gordon, 1943-, 1980.
رؤية مستقبلية لتحويل المدارس الثانوية الأردنية العامة إلى مدارس منتجة إستناداً إلى الإتجاهات العالمية المعاصرة / المهاينه، آية جبرين عيسى، 2022.
رؤية مستقبلية لتطوير ثقافة التعليم الافتراضي في التعليم العالي الأردني / القلاب، لينا خليف، 2018.
رؤية مستقبلية للجامعات الفلسطينية لتوعية طلبتها بثقافة الاقتصاد الأخضر ودوره بتحقيق مبادئ التنمية / حسين، محمد داود محمد، 2021.
A. G. K. Chesterton omnibus, containing the Napoleon of Notting Hill the man who was Thursday and the flying inn/ Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. 1958.
Chaucer: modern essays in criticism/ Wagenknecht, Edward Charles, 1900. 1964.
The allegory love: a study in medieval tradition/ Lewis, Clive Staples. 1963.
Elizabethan drama: modern essays in criticism/ Kaufmann, Ralph James. 1961.
Eighteenth-century English literature: modern essays in criticism/ Clifford, James Lowery, 1901. 1960.
Modern drama: essays in criticism/ Bogard, Travis. 1965.
Rome/ Rostovtsev, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1870. 1964.
The achievement of Samuel Johnson/ Bate, Wlater Jackson. 1961.
The notebooks of Henry James/ James, Henry, 1843-1916. 1962.
Greece/ Rostovtsev, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1870. 1965.
The modern poets: a critical introduction/ Rosenthal, Macha Louis. 1966.
Modern poetry and the tradition/ Brooks, Cleanth, 1906. 1965.
Eighteenth-century English literature; modern essays in criticism/ Clifford, James Lowery, 1901. 1966.
Form and fable in American fiction/ Hoffman, Daniel G. 1965.
Modern drama: essays in criticism/ Bogard, Travis. 1968.
The art of James Joyce, method and design in Ulysses and Finnegans wake/ Litz, A. Walton. 1964.
Christianity and classical culture: a study of thought & action from Augustus to Augustine/ Cochrane, Charles Norris. 1966.
Restoration drama; modern essays in criticism. Loftis, John Clyde. 1967.
Eighteenth- century English literature: modern essays in criticism/ Clifford, James Lowery. 1969.
Seventeenth-century English poetry: modern essays in criticssm/ Keast, William R. 1968.
Major Soviet writers; essays in criticism. Brown, Edward James, 1909- 1973.
English romantic poets: modern essays in criticism/ Abrams, Meyer Howard. 1975.
Out of battle : the poetry of the Great War / Silkin, Jon. 1978, c1972.
Women and equality changing patterns in American culture / Chafe, William H. 1978, c1977.
The mirror and the lamp : romantic theory and the critical tradition / Abrams, M. H. (Meyer Howard), 1912-2015. 1971.
The new poets : American and British poetry since World War II / Rosenthal, M. L. (Macha Louis), 1917- c1967.
The anxiety of influence : a theory of poetry / Bloom, Harold. 1975.
The new country : a social history of the American frontier, 1776-1890 / Bartlett, Richard A. 1976.
English romantic poets modern essays in criticism / Abrams, M. H. (Meyer Howard), 1912- c1975.
The major film theories : an introduction / Andrew, Dudley, 1945- 1976.
Eighteenth- Century English literature: modern essays in criticism/ Clifford, James Lowery, 1901. 1959.
The struggle for mastery in Europe, 1848-1918, Taylor, A. J. P. (Alan John Percivale), 1906- [1971]
Slavery in the cities the South, 1820-1860 / Wade, Richard C., 1922-2008. 1967.
The idea of nature / Collingwood, R. G. (Robin George), 1889-1943. 1972.
Seventeenth-century English poetry; modern essays in criticism, Keast, William R., 1971.
War remembered and retold in three graphic narratives by Abi Rached, Abdelrazaq and Sacco : a comparative study / al-Hinn, Eman Amerah, 2021.
The pocket book of short stories American English and Continental Masterpieces/ Speare, Morris Edmund. 1967.
The modern novel in America/ Hoffman, Frederick John. 1956.
Oral storytelling as an act of resistance in contemporary african-american ficion / ,Mahfouf ,Faiza 2019.
Oral storytelling as an act of resistance in contemporary african-american ficion / ,Mahfouf ,Faiza 2019.
بناء إطار عام للمنظمة المثالية : منظور فلسفي إسلامي / رزمة، محمد صلاح الدين، 2018.
Europe, 1780-1830 / Ford, Franklin L. (Franklin Lewis), 1920- 1976, c1970.
Europe in the central Middle Agen, 962-1154/ Brooke, Christopher Nugent Lawrence. 1964.
Europe in the nineteenth century, 1830-1880 / Hearder, Harry. 1966.
The decline of the ancient world/ Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin, 1904. 1966.
Europe in the High Middle Ages, 1150-1309 Mundy, John Hine, 1917- 1973.
جغرافيا الوقت / لافين، روبرت، 2021
Multicultural geographies the changing racial/ethnic patterns of the United States /   2010.
Constitutional origins, structure, and change in federal countries   c2005.
Dialogues on legislative, executive, and judicial governance in federal countries   c2006.
Dialogues on constitutional origins, structure, and change in federal countries   2005.
Dialogues on distribution of powers and responsibilities in federal countries   c2005.
Dialogues on the practice of fiscal federalism comparative perspectives /   c2006.
Mammals : a guide to familiar American species / Zim, Herbert Spencer, 1909- c1955.
A guide to spiders and their kin/ Levi, Herbert Walter, 1921. 1968.
Rocks and minerals: a guide to familiar minerals, gems, ores and rocks/ Zim, Herbert Spencer, 1909. 1957.
Fishes: guide to fresh-and saltwater species/ Zim, Herbert Spencer, 1909. 1956.
Trauma as a "rupture in the symbolic" in Helen Dunmore's the lie and Nada Jarrar's a good land \ Mustafa, Nirvan Abd-ul-Ghaffar. 2018.
Trauma as a "rupture in the symbolic" in Helen Dunmore's the lie and Nada Jarrar's a good land \ Mustafa, Nirvan Abd-ul-Ghaffar. 2018.
الحكومة المثالية / كارتر، جيمي، 1924- 1977
Handbook of salary and wage systems /   1982.
Financial management handbook.   1972.
ACCOUNTANT'S guide to management techniques/   1975.
Handbook of physical distribution management /   1976.
Contract negotiation handbook / Marsh, P.D.V. 1974.
Decimal pricing for low cost products and services/ Dunbar, David Stuart. 1970.
A-GPS assisted GPS, GNSS, and SBAS / Van Diggelen, Frank Stephen Tromp. c2009.
First steps in librarianship : a students' guide / Harrison, K. C. (Kenneth Cecil) 1980.
Staff management in library and information work / Jones, Noragh. c1982.
Organizing knowledge in libraries: an introduction to information retrieval Needham, Christopher Donald. 1971.
The function of bibliography/ Stokes, Roy Bishop, 1915. 1969.
A medical bibliography (Garrison and Morton)/ Garrison, Fielding Hudson, 1870-1935. 1970.
Type designs; their history and development/ Johnson, Alfred Forbes. 1966.
Special libraries/ Silva, Manil. 1970.
Bibliography in the bookshop/ Smith, Frank Seymour. 1972.
Beginning in bookselling/ Babbidge, Irene. 1972.
Library bookselling: a history and handbook of current practice/ Bell, F.T. 1966.
Filmed books and plays : a list of books and plays from which films have been made, 1928-1974 / Enser, A. G. S. 1975.
The librarians' glossary of terms used in librarianship, documentation and the book crafts, and reference book / Harrod, Leonard Montague, 1905- 1977.
A subject bibliography of the Second World War : books in English, 1939-1974 / Enser, A. G. S. 1977.
Th librarians glossary of terms used in libranship, documentation and the book crafts and reference book/ Harrod, Leonard Montague, 1905. 1977.
الإجمال التركيبي نحويا وتداوليا : تطبيق على نماذج من خطب العربية الفصحى / أيوب، فاطمة رسلان عطية، 2022.
A greedy algorithm for testing java card applications / allawi, Hamzeh, 2016.
Solar power in building design : the engineer's complete design resource / Gevorkian, Peter. c2008.
ضيف شرف / غورديمر، نادين. 2006.
القراءات المتواترة والشاذة في تفسير ابن كثير وتوجيهها : جمعاً ودراسةً / الحساوي، ضيغم علي حامد، 2019.
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