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1. Title: Understanding translation and lexicography : teachning translation and lexicography to students of Arab universities : a course textbook / al-Tahir Hafi
Fahm al-tarjamah wa-ilm al-maajim : kitab li-talim al-tarjamah wa-ilm al-maajim li-tullab al-jamiat al-Arabiyah
Arabic textbook collection.
Saudi Arabian textbook collection.
Author: Hafiz, al-Tahir ibn Abd al-Salam Hashim.
Publication: Dar Aliman Book Shop, al-Madinah al-Munawwarah : 2001.
2. Title: Translating promotional and advertising texts / Ira Torresi.
Translation practices explained
Author: Torresi, Ira,
Publication: Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : 2021.
Edition: Second Edition.
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Sorts and Limits