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1. Title: Physical properties, empirical relations and thermal gradients of olive / corn oils mixtures and olive / acetone solutions / by Mohammad al-Dmour ; supervised by Dr. Moayad al-Sabayleh.
الخصائص الفيزيائية والعلاقات المعيارية الوصفية والانحدارات الحرارية لمزائج زيت الزيتون وزيت الذرة ولمحاليل زيت الزيتون والاسيتون
Author: al-Dmour, Mohammad,
Publication: 2014.
2. Title: The empirical relations, thermal gradients and concentration increments of the physical characteristics of aqueous honey solutions and aqueous glucose-insulin mixtures / by Monther Faek al-Sboul ; supervised by Dr. Moayad al-Sabayleh.
Author: al-Sboul , Monther Faek,
Publication: 2014.
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Sorts and Limits