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1. Title: The role of ADF/cofilin proteins during the metastasis of MTLn3 breast adenocarcinoma cells / by Maram Husni Yousef Hasan ; supervisor Salem Rifat AL-Maloul, co-supervisor Lubna Hamid Tahtamouni.
Author: Hasan, Maram Husni Yousef.
2. Title: The role of ADF / cofilin proteins during the metastasis of MTLn3 breast adenocarcinoma cells / by Maram Husni Yousef Hasan ; supervised by Dr. Salem Rifat al-Maloul, Dr. Lubna Hamid Tahtamouni.
دورالبروتینات ADFو Cofilin في النمو الثانوي لخلایا سرطان الثدي MTLn3
Author: Hasan, Maram Husni Yousef,
Publication: 2011.
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