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Title: Dictionnaire des eleves Francais - Arabe = معجم الطلاب عربي-فرنسي / lili Maliha Fayed. معجم الطلاب عربي-فرنسي
معجم الطلاب عربي-فرنسي معجم الطلاب عربي-فرنسي

Author: Fayed, lili Maliha
General Notes: The text includes two language frenech &arabic., The text includes two language frenech &arabic.
Publisher: Dar Al - kotob Al - ilmiyah;
Publication Place: Beyrouth :
ISBN: 2745128612
Subject: frenech language -- dictionaries -- Arabic language.
Arabic language -- dictionaries -- Frenech language.

Physical Description: 342 p ;
Publication Date: 2006.

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Prince Al-huseein Bin Abdulah library Reference 443.1 fay No Circulation Available AH1014671 Book