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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 9 of 9
1. Title: Aquinas / Ralph McInerny.
Classic thinkers
Author: McInerny, Ralph M.
Publication: Polity Press ; Distributed in the USA by Blackwell Publishers, Cambridge, UK : Malden, MA : c2004.
2. Title: The deficient cause of moral evil according to Thomas Aquinas / Edward Cook.
Cultural heritage and contemporary change. Series I, Culture and values ;
Author: Cook, Edward.
Publication: Paideia Publishers : Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington, D.C. : c1996.
3. Title: Ideas in God according to Saint Thomas Aquinas : sources and synthesis / by Vivian Boland.
Studies in the history of Christian thought,
Author: Boland, Vivian.
Publication: E.J. Brill, Leiden ; New York : 1996.
4. Title: Aquinas / Anthony Kenny.
Past masters
Author: Kenny, Anthony John Patrick.
Publication: Oxford University Press, Oxford ; New York : 1980.
5. Title: Medieval philosophy and the transcendentals : the case of Thomas Aquinas / by Jan A. Aertsen.
Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters,
Author: Aertsen, Jan.
Publication: E.J. Brill, Leiden ; New York : 1996.
6. Title: Court traité de l'existence et de l'existant. English
Existence and the existent / Jacques Maritain ; English version by Lewis Galantière and Gerald B. Phelan.
Doubleday Image book ;
Author: Maritain, Jacques, 1882-1973.
Publication: Image Books, Garden City, N.Y. : 1956.
7. Title: Dimensions religieuses du droit et notamment sur l'apport de saint Thomas d'Aquin.
Archives de philosophie du droit ;
Archives de Philosophie du Droit ;
Publication: Sirey, Paris : 1973.
8. Title: Society and social change in the writings of St. Thomas, Ward, Sumner, and Cooley.
Studies in sociology,
Author: Healy, Mary Edward, Sister, 1906-
Publication: Greenwood Press Westport, Conn., [1972, c1948]
9. Title: Galileo, the Jesuits, and the medieval Aristole / William A. Wallace.
Collected studies series ;
Collected studies.
Author: Wallace, William A.
Publication: Variorum ; Gower, Hampshire, Great Britain : Brookfield, Vt. : c1991.
Results 1 - 9 of 9
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Sorts and Limits