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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 3 of 3
1. Title: Language and decadence in the Victorian fin de siلecle / Linda Dowling.
Author: Dowling, Linda C., 1944-
Publication: Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. : 1986.
2. Title: Authors and authority : a study of English literary criticism and its relation to culture 1750-1900 / Patrick Parrinder.
Routledge direct editions
Author: Parrinder, Patrick.
Publication: Routledge & K. Paul, London ; Boston : 1977.
3. Title: Teaching to diversity : teaching and learning in the multi-ethnic classroom / Mary Meyers.
Author: Meyers, Mary, 1948-
Publication: Addison-Wesley Pub., Reading, Mass. : �1993.
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Sorts and Limits