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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 10 of 10
1. Title: MLA handbook for writers of research papers / Joseph Gibaldi.
MLA handbook
Author: Gibaldi, Joseph, 1942-
Publication: Modern Language Association of America, New York : 1995.
Edition: 4th edition.
2. Title: Writing research papers : a practical guide / Edward P. Bailey, Jr., Philip A. Powell, Jack M. Shuttleworth.
Author: Bailey, Edward P.
Publication: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York : c1981.
3. Title: MLA handbook for writers of research papers / Joseph Gibaldi, Walter S. Achtert.
Author: Gibaldi, Joseph, 1942-,
Publication: Modern Language Association of America, New York : 1988.
Edition: Third edition.
4. Title: Style manual; a guide for the preparation of reports and dissertations [by] Martha L. Manheimer.
Books in library and information science,
Author: Manheimer, Martha L.
Publication: M. Dekker, New York, 1973.
5. Title: Handbook of basic writing skills / Cora L. Robey, Alice M. Hedrick, Ethelyn H. Morgan.
Author: Robey, Cora L.
Publication: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York : c1978.
6. Title: The Oxford guide to writing : a rhetoric and handbook for college students / Thomas S. Kane ; editorial consultant, Nancy Sommers.
Author: Kane, Thomas S.
Publication: Oxford University Press, New York : 1983.
7. Title: The Scott, Foresman handbook for writers / Maxine Hairston, John J. Ruszkiewicz.
Author: Hairston, Maxine.
Publication: HarperCollins, New York, N.Y. : c1991.
Edition: 2nd ed.
8. Title: Prentice-Hall handbook for writers / Glenn Leggett, C. David Mead, William Charvat.
Handbook for writers.
Author: Leggett, Glenn H., 1918-
Publication: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : c1978.
Edition: 7th ed.
9. Title: Focus, a college English handbook / Kim Flachmann.
Author: Flachmann, Kim.
Publication: Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston : c1981.
10. Title: Handbook for writers : grammar, punctuation, diction, rhetoric, research / Celia Millward ; [editor, Kenney Withers].
Author: Millward, Celia M.
Publication: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York : [1980]
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Sorts and Limits