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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 3 of 3
1. Title: Political ideologies and the democratic ideal / Terence Ball, Richard Dagger.
Author: Ball, Terence.
Publication: HarperCollins, New York, NY : c1991.
2. Title: The age of ideology : political ideologies from the American Revolution to postmodern times / John Schwarzmantel.
Author: Schwarzmantel, J. J. (John J), 1947-
Publication: Macmillan, London : c1998.
3. Title: Achieving our Country: leftist thought in twentieth-century America/ Richard Rorty.
The William E. Massey Sr. lectures in the history of American civilization;
Author: Rorty, Richard.
Publication: Harvard U. P., Cambridge: 1999.
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Sorts and Limits