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Results 1 - 4 of 4
1. Title: Combined heat & power generating systems / J. Marecki.
IEE energy series ;
Combined heat and power generating systems.
Author: Marecki, Jacek.
Publication: P. Peregrinus, London : c1988.
2. Title: Cogeneration­­combined heat and power (CHP) : thermodynamics and economics / by J.H. Horlock.
Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics series
Author: Horlock, J. H.
Publication: Pergamon Press, Oxford [Oxfordshire] ; New York : 1987.
Edition: 1st ed.
3. Title: AlQatranah combined cycle power plant performance study on gas fuel and diesel fuel : experimental study / by Saleh Tarawneh ; supervised by Mahmoud Hammad.
دراسة اداء محطة القطرانة لتوليد الكهرباء العاملة بنظام الدورة المركبة باستخدام وقودي الغاز والديزل : دراسة تجريبية
Author: Tarawinah, Salih Ata Allah Ubayd.
Publication: 2013.
4. Title: Design of high concentrated photovoltaic Systems (HCPV) to produce electricity and Thermal energy / by Mohammed hussien al Issawi ; supervised by Ahmad al Salaymeh.
تصميم منظومة الخلايا الشمسية عالية التركيز لتوليد الطاقة الكهربائية والحرارية
Author: al-Issawi, Mohammed hussien.
Publication: 2017.
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Sorts and Limits