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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 4 of 4
1. Title: Programming the 8086/8088 for the IBM PC and compatibles / Michael Thorne.
Author: Thorne, Michael.
Publication: Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., Menlo Park, Calif. ; Don Mills, Ont. : c1986.
2. Title: Programming the 8086/8088 / James W. Coffron.
Author: Coffron, James.
Publication: Sybex, Berkeley, Calif. : 1983.
Edition: 1st ed.
3. Title: 8088 assembler language programming : the IBM PC / by David C. Willen and Jeffrey I. Krantz ; [illustrated by T.R. Emrick].
Author: Willen, David C.
Publication: H.W. Sams, Indianapolis, Ind. : c1983.
Edition: 1st ed.
4. Title: An introduction to assembly language programming for the 8086 family : a self-teaching guide / Thomas P. Skinner.
Wiley self teaching guides
Author: Skinner, Thomas P.
Publication: Wiley, New York : c1985.
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Sorts and Limits