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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 30 of 30
1. Title: Subcloning of the human a-and b-globin genes into the M13 mp8 and pSPTI8 vectors / by Jihad Tahseen Mahmoud ; supervised by Abdul Hafez H. Mohammad, co-supervisor Mehmet Semsik.
Author: Mahmoud, Jihad Tahseen.
Publication: 1986.
2. Title: THE LAROUSSE encyclopedia of animal life./ Foreword by Robert Cushman Murphy..
Publication: Hamlyn, London: 1974.
3. Title: A textbook of zoology/ T.J.Parker ; W.A.Haswell.
Author: Parker, T. Jeffrey.
Publication: Macmillan, London: 1961.
4. Title: The science of zoology/ by Paul B. Weisz.
Author: Weisz, Paul B.
Publication: McGraw-Hill, New York: 1966.
5. Title: College zoology/ by Robert W. Henger and Karl A. Stiles.
Author: Henger, Robert William, 1880-1942.
Publication: Macmillan, New York: 1942.
Edition: ed. 5.
6. Title: Zoology for intermediate students/ G. Chapman and W. B. Barker.
Author: Chapman, G.
Publication: Longmans, London: 1968.
7. Title: The animal kingdom/ Sali Money ; illustrated by David Pratt.
Bantam Knowledge through color
Author: Money, Sali.
Publication: Bantam Books, Toronto: 1972.
8. Title: Practical animal morphology/ A. Hammad al-Hussaini ; Emile S. Demian.
Author: Al-Hussaini, A. Hammad.
Publication: Macmillan, London: 1967.
9. Title: Integrated principles of zoology / Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr. ... [et al.]. ; original artwork by William C. Ober and Claire W. Garrison.
Publication: McGraw-Hill/Higher Education, Boston : c2008.
Edition: 14th ed.
10. Title: Integrated principles of zoology / Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr., Washington and Lee University, Larry S. Roberts, Florida International University, Susan L. Keen, University of California-- Davis, Allan Larson, Washington University, David J. Eisenhour, Morehead State University, Helen I' Anson, Washington and Lee University.
Author: Hickman, Cleveland P., Jr.
Publication: McGraw-Hill Education, New York : [2014]
Edition: Sixteenth edition.
11. Title: GENERAL Zoology/ Tracy I. Storer.
Publication: McGraw-Hill, New York: 1972.
Edition: ed. 5.
12. Title: Control of toxicity induced during chemotherapy and radiotherapy using natural plant substance / by Fatma Mohamed Hussein Shediwah ; supervised by Fatma A. Eid.
الحد من الأضرار التي يحدثها العلاج الكيميائي و الإشعاعي باستخدام مادة طبيعية نباتية
Author: Shidiwah, Fatimah Muhammad Husayn.
Publication: 2005.
13. Title: The ILLUSTRATED encyclopedia of animal life: the animal Kingdom/ Frederick Drimmer.
Publication: Greystone P., New York: 1954.
14. Title: Oeuvres choisies de J. B. Lamarch: avec une preface par Felix le Dantec.
Les meilleurs auteurs classiques, Francais et etrangers
Author: Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine De Monet De, 174401829.
Publication: Flammarion, Paris, E.: 19--.
15. Title: Generation of animals/ Aristole ; ;with an English translation by A. L. Peck.
The Loeb classical library
Author: Aristotle.
Publication: William Heinemann, London: 1942.
16. Title: An illustrated laboratory text in zoology/ Donald Heyneman ; Richard A. Boolootian.
Author: Heyneman, Donald, 1925.
Publication: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York: 1962.
17. Title: Integrated principles of zoology/ by Cleveland P. Hickman.
Author: Hickman, Cleveland Pendleton, 1895.
Publication: C. V. Mosby, Saint Louis: 1966.
Edition: ed. 3.
18. Title: Quantitative zoology/ by George Gaylord Simpson ; Anne Roe and Richard C Lewontin.
Author: Simpson, George Gaylord.
Publication: Harcourt, Brace, New York: 1960.
Edition: Rev. ed.
19. Title: ILLUSTRATED practical zoology.
Publication: Dar Al-Maaref, Cairo: 1986.
20. Title: ULTRASTRUCTURE of cells and organisms. v.1.
Publication: Academic Press, New York: 197-.
21. Title: Studies on the efficacy of antioxidants : A-Lipoic acid and N-Acetyl cysteine for the treatment of Oxidative stress in Alloxan-treated rabbits / by Mohammad Abdulwali Saeed Ali al-Hegami ; supervied by Hossam el-Din Muhammad M. Omar, co-supervisor Mohamed B. al-Salahy, Hanem S. Abdel-Tawab.
دراسات على فعالية مضادات الأكسدة : الفاليبويك أسيد و إن أستيل سيستين لمعالجة ضغوط الأكسدة في الأرانب المعالجة بالألوكزان
Author: al-Hegami, Muhammad Abd al-Wali Said Ali.
Publication: 2008.
22. Title: Toxicity of dimethoate insecticide on bivalve pitar rudis as bioindicator (Histological study) / by Ebtisam Yassin Shikoo ; supervised by Dr. Nada al-Syed Hassan.
Author: Shikoo, Ebtisam Yassin,
Publication: 2008.
23. Title: Effect of mareb crude oil on two species of veneridae collected from labor island coast-Aden governorate / by Aziz Saeed Ali Dobian ; supervised by Dr. Abdulaziz Abdulla Moqbil.
Author: Dobian, Aziz Saeed Ali,
Publication: 2007.
24. Title: Impact of refined and virgin olive oil on risk of cardiovascular disorders in male rats with experimental atherosclerosis / by Hussein Saleh Ahmed Gumaih ; supervised by Prof. Dr. Hamdy Abd-el-Hameed Ibrahim, Prof. Dr. Azza Mohammed el-Wakf.
تأثير زيت الزيتون المنقى وزيت الزيتون البكري على اضطرابات القلب والأوعية الدموية في ذكور جرذان مصابة بتصلب الشرايين
Author: Gumaih, Hussein Saleh Ahmed,
Publication: 2010.
25. Title: Effect of aloe perryi baker leaf extracts on streptozotoin-induced diabetic mice / by Nesreen Yahya al-Mortada ; supervised by Dr. Abd-ul-Karim Nasher, Dr. Imad M. al-Ani.
تأثير مستخلص أوراق الصبر السقطري على فئران مصابة بمرض السكري المفتعل بواسطة مادة الأستربتوزوتوسين
Author: al-Mortada , Nesreen Yahya,
Publication: 2012.
26. Title: Comparing the ameliorative effect of boswellia sacra oil, phoneix dactlyifera date fruit paste Stilmulated by bioptron light and ultrasound on wound healing in rattus albus / by Wajiha Marwan al- Dabbas ; supervised by Prof. Dr. Ziad Ahed Shraideh, Prof. Dr. Enam Ayoub Khalil.
مقارنة التأثير التخفيفي لزيت بوسويليا ساكرا، ومعجون ثمار التمر فينوكس داكتيليفرا بتحفيز من ضوء البيوبتيرون والموجات فوق الصوتية على شفاء الجروح في الجرذ الأمهق
Comparing the ameliorative effect of boswellia sacra oil, phoneix dactlyifera date fruit paste stimulated by bioptron light and ultrasound on wound healing in rattus albus
Author: al- Dabbas, Wajiha Marwan,
Publication: 2022.
27. Title: The wonders of life on earth/ by The editors of Life and Lincoln Barnett.
Author: LIFE (Chicago.
Publication: Time, New York: 1960.
28. Title: On aggression/ Konrad Lorenz ; translated by Marjorie Latzke.
Author: Lorenz, Konrad, 1903.
Publication: Methuen, London: 1963.
29. Title: Effect of Aloe vacillans extract on the blood structure of Rabbits / by Mohammed Ali Qassim ; supervised by Dr. elias Mohammed Ali Garada.
Author: Qassim, Mohammed Ali,
Publication: 2005.
30. Title: Effect of monocrotophos insecticide on liver and kidney of rabbits / by Amani Mohamed Nasser al-Dhamari ; supervised by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Yassin A. Ramzu.
Author: al-Dhamari, Amani Mohamed Nasser,
Publication: 2007.
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Sorts and Limits