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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 8 of 8
1. Title: The cold war / E. G. Rayner.
History at Source
Author: Rayner, E. G.
Publication: Hodder & Stoughton, London: 1992.
2. Title: Cold War Europe , 1945 - 1991 : a political history / John W. Young.
Author: Young, John W.
Publication: Edward Arnold, London: 1996.
Edition: 2nd ed.
3. Title: Peace in the making : proceedings. / Rohana Mahmood
Author: Asia-pacific roundtable (1989 : Kula lumpur) Peace in the making ; proceedings.
Publication: ISIS, Malaysia: 1990.
4. Title: Post cold water developments in the Middle East and Europe. / Gali Oda Tealakh.
Author: Tealakh, Gali Oda.
Publication: The Royal Scientific Society, Amman: 1996.
5. Title: Dawning of the cold war : the united states' quest for order / Randall B. Woods & Howard Jones.
Author: Woods, Randall Bennett, 1944-
Publication: The Univ. of Georgia P., [S.l.]: 1991.
6. Title: Shattered peace : the origins of the cold war/ Daniel Yergin.
Author: Yergin, Daniel
Publication: Penguin Books, [S.l.]: 1990.
7. Title: The United States and the end of the cold war : implications , reconsiderations , provocations / John Lewis Gaddis.
Author: Gaddis, John Lewis
Publication: Oxford University Press, New York: 1992.
8. Title: The United States and the end of the cold war : implications , reconsiderations , provocations. / John Lewis Gaddis.
Author: Gaddis , John Lewis.
Publication: Oxford University Press, New York: 1992.
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Sorts and Limits