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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 6 of 6
1. Title: The change masters : corporate entrepreneurs at work / Rosabeth Moss Kanter.
Author: Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Publication: Counter Point, London: 1973.
2. Title: Managing technological development : strategic and human resources issues/ edited by Urs E. Gattiker and Laurie Larwood.
Technological innovation and human resources
Author: Gattiker, Urs E.
Publication: Walter de Gruyter, Berlin: 1988.
3. Title: Creative destruction : from 'built to last' to 'built to perform'/ Richard N. Foster and Sarah Kaplan.
Author: Foster , Richard N.
Publication: Prentice Hall, [S.l.]: 2001.
4. Title: /innovation management and new product developement Paul Trott.
Author: Trott، Paul
Publication: ،Financial times prentice hall :Harlow .2005
Edition: 3rd ed.
5. Title: Measuring The Extent to Which Jordanian Organizations Implement Web Technologies in the Context of Diffusion of Innovation Theory = قياس درجة تطبيق المنظمات الأردنية لتكنولوجيا الويب في إطار نظرية انتشار الابتكار / Assaf Radwan Al-Rousan ; [supervised by] Emad Abu Shanab.
قياس درجة تطبيق المنظمات الأردنية لتكنولوجيا الويب في إطار نظرية انتشار الابتكار
Author: Al-Rousan, Assaf Radwan.
Publication: 2010.
6. Title: The influence of managerial innovation on firm performance in Jordanian commercial banks / prepared by Mohammad Abdalkarim Hussein Alzuod ; supervised by Radwan Alyan Kharabsheh.
Author: Alzuod, Mohammad Abdalkarim Hussein
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Sorts and Limits