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Sorts and Limits

Results 1 - 5 of 5
1. Title: Respiratory System / edited by J. B. L. Howell and A. E. Tattersfield.
Methods in clinical pharmacology
Author: Howell, J. B.
Publication: Macmillan, London: 1981.
2. Title: Respiration / A. F. El-Zayat , R. M. Kassem.
Medical physiology
Author: El-Zayat, A. F.
Publication: Univ. Book House, Tewfikiah: 1975.
3. Title: Respiratory physiology 11 / ed. by John Widdicombe.
International review of physiology
Author: Widdicombe, J. G.
Publication: University Park Press, Baltimore: 1977.
4. Title: Medical physiology respiration / Mohamed R. El-Nahass , Soheir Abass Helmy.
Author: El-Nahass, Mohamed R.
Publication: Dar El Wafaa, Mansoura: 1995.
5. Title: Comparative physiology of respiration / John Desmond Jones.
Special topics in biology series
Author: Jones, John Desmond
Publication: Edward Arnold, London: 1972.
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Sorts and Limits