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1. Title: Male metamorphosis of identity in the 19th-century literature of Horror / Eyad Jaber Khaleel Suwwan.
Author: Suwwan, Eyad Jaber Khaleel
Publication: U. M. I., Irbid: 1996.
2. Title: Identity and religion : international , cross-cultural approaches / editedby Hans Mol..
Author: Mol, Hans
Publication: Sage Publications Ltd., London: 1978.
3. Title: Beyond the tragic vision : the quest for identity in the nineteenth century / Morse Peckham.
Author: Peckham, Morse
Publication: Cambridge U. P., Cambridge: 1962.
4. Title: Conditions of identity : a study in identity and survival. / Andrew Brennan.
Author: Brennan , Andrew.
Publication: Clarendon Press, Oxford: 1988.
5. Title: Periocular recognition based on LBP and PCA / by Sereen Mohammad Falah al-khazali ; supervised by Dr. Mohammad el-Bashir .
التعرف من خلال محيط العين على اساس النمط الثنائي المحلي وتحليل المكون الرئيسي
Author: al-khazali, Sereen Mohammad Falah,
Publication: 2020.
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