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Sorts and Limits

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1. Title: Dialogues / Roman Jakobson , Krystyna Pomorska.
Author: Pomorska, Krystyna
Publication: Cambridge Univ.P., Cambridge: 1983.
2. Title: Cross-cultural analysis of language in the assessment of personality variables / by Albert F. Inclan.
Author: Inclan, Albert F.
Publication: University of Florida, Florida : 1984.
3. Title: Linguistic diversity in south Asia studies in regional social and functional variation / edited by Charles A. Ferguson andJohn J. Gumperz.
International jounal of American linguistics
Author: Ferguson، Charles A.
Publication: Indiana University، Bloomington : 1960.
4. Title: Progress in linguistics ; a collection of papers / Selected and edited byManfired Bierrwisch and Karl Erich Heidolph.
Janua lingurum . series maior , 43arum . series maior , 43
Author: Heidolph, Karl Erich
Publication: Mouton, Hague: 1970.
5. Title: Structuralist : selected readings / edited by Fred W. Householder.
Syntactic theory
Author: Householder, Fred W.
Publication: Penguin, Harmondsworth: 1972.
6. Title: Linguistics and style / Nils Erik Enkvist , John Spencer and Michael J. Gregory.
Language and language learning
Author: Enkvist, Nils Erik
Publication: Oxford University Press, Oxford: 1964.
7. Title: Investigating linguistic acceptability / by Randolph Quirk and Jan Svartvik.
Janua linguarum : series minor
Author: Quirk, Randolph
Publication: Mouton, [S.l.]: 1966.
8. Title: Language Universals : eith special reference to feature hierarchies / Joseph H. Greenberg.
Janua linguarum : series minor
Author: Greenberg, Joseph H.
Publication: mouton Pub., The Hague: 1980.
9. Title: Topics in applied linguistics / Ronald Wardhaugh.
Author: Wardhaugh, Ronald
Publication: Newbury House, Rowley , Mass: 1974.
10. Title: An introduction to linguistic science / by Edgar H. Sturtevant.
Author: Sturtevant, Edgar H.
Publication: Yale University Press, New Haven: 1947.
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Sorts and Limits