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Title: ES6 & beyond / Kyle Simpson. ES6 and beyond
ES6 and beyond ES6 and beyond
You don't know JS ES6 and beyond
You don't know JS. ES6 and beyond

Main Entry: Simpson, Kyle (JavaScript systems architect), author.
Publisher: O'Reilly,
Publication Date: [2016]
Publication Place: Beijing :
ISBN: 9781491905265

Subject: JavaScript (Computer program language)
Application software -- Design.
COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / JavaScript
Electronic books.

Series: You don't know JS
You don't know JS.

Contents: Copyright; Table of Contents; Foreword; Preface; Mission; Review; Conventions Used in This Book; Using Code Examples; Safariھ Books Online; How to Contact Us; Chapter 1. ES? Now & Future; Versioning; Transpiling; Shims/Polyfills; Review; Chapter 2. Syntax; Block-Scoped Declarations; let Declarations; const Declarations; Block-Scoped Functions; Spread/Rest; Default Parameter Values; Default Value Expressions; Destructuring; Object Property Assignment Pattern; Not Just Declarations; Repeated Assignments; Too Many, Too Few, Just Enough; Default Value Assignment; Nested Destructuring.
Destructuring ParametersObject Literal Extensions; Concise Properties; Concise Methods; Computed Property Names; Setting [[Prototype]]; Object super; Template Literals; Interpolated Expressions; Tagged Template Literals; Arrow Functions; Not Just Shorter Syntax, But this; for.of Loops; Regular Expressions; Unicode Flag; Sticky Flag; Regular Expression flags; Number Literal Extensions; Unicode; Unicode-Aware String Operations; Character Positioning; Unicode Identifier Names; Symbols; Symbol Registry; Symbols as Object Properties; Review; Chapter 3. Organization; Iterators; Interfaces.
Next() IterationOptional: return(.) and throw(.); Iterator Loop; Custom Iterators; Iterator Consumption; Generators; Syntax; Iterator Control; Early Completion; Error Handling; Transpiling a Generator; Generator Uses; Modules; The Old Way; Moving Forward; The New Way; Circular Module Dependency; Module Loading; Classes; class; extends and super; new.target; static; Review; Chapter 4. Async Flow Control; Promises; Making and Using Promises; Thenables; Promise API; Generators + Promises; Review; Chapter 5. Collections; TypedArrays; Endianness; Multiple Views; Typed Array Constructors; Maps.
Map ValuesMap Keys; WeakMaps; Sets; Set Iterators; WeakSets; Review; Chapter 6. API Additions; Array; Array.of(.) Static Function; Array.from(.) Static Function; Creating Arrays and Subtypes; copyWithin(.) Prototype Method; fill(.) Prototype Method; find(.) Prototype Method; findIndex(.) Prototype Method; entries(), values(), keys() Prototype Methods; Object; Object.is(.) Static Function; Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(.) Static Function; Object.setPrototypeOf(.) Static Function; Object.assign(.) Static Function; Math; Number; Static Properties; Number.isNaN(.) Static Function.
Number.isFinite(.) Static FunctionInteger-Related Static Functions; String; Unicode Functions; String.raw(.) Static Function; repeat(.) Prototype Function; String Inspection Functions; Review; Chapter 7. Meta Programming; Function Names; Inferences; Meta Properties; Well-Known Symbols; Symbol.iterator; Symbol.toStringTag and Symbol.hasInstance; Symbol.species; Symbol.toPrimitive; Regular Expression Symbols; Symbol.isConcatSpreadable; Symbol.unscopables; Proxies; Proxy Limitations; Revocable Proxies; Using Proxies; Reflect API; Property Ordering; Feature Testing; FeatureTests.io.

Related Records: Print version: Simpson, Kyle. You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Beyond. : O'Reilly Media, أ2016 9781491904244
Cover Image: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/9781491904244.jpg

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