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مهارات الاتصال / خضر، إبراهيم خليل. 2013
مهارات الاتصال / خضر، إبراهيم خليل. 2017
مهارات الاتصال / السكارنه، بلال خلف. 2015.
Communication skills and classroom success, assessment of language-learning disabled students /   c1985.
مهارات التواصل الاجتماعي وعلاقته بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية والشخصية الارتيابية وإدارة الصراع لدى مديري المدارس الثانوية / إعداد ألاء أحمد مفلح الطاهات ؛ إشراف الأستاذ الدكتور سامي محمد ملحم. الطاهات، ألاء أحمد مفلح، 2016.
Communication skills/ Nasro, Masoud omar. 2001.
Communication skills for adult nurses Kraszewski, Sarah. 2010.
Communication skills for conservation professionals Jacobson, Susan Kay. 2009.
مهارات التواصل لرؤساء الأقسام الجامعية / هيغيرسون، ماري لو 2006.
Communication skills for educational managers an exercise in self study / Pradhan, N. 2008.
Communication skills for medicine / Lloyd, Margaret, MD. 2009.
Communication skills for the healthcare professional / McCorry, Laurie Kelly, 1959- 2011.
Communication skills for working with children and young people : introducing social pedagogy / Petrie, Pat. 2011.
Communication skills for working with elders Dreher, Barbara Bender. c2001.
Communication skills in English/ Abbu, Muhammad nizar. 2002.
Communication skills in hearing-impaired children / Bench, R. J. c1992.
Communication skills in pharmacy practice : a practical guide for students and practitioners /   c2013.
مهارات الاتصال التي يمارسها موجهو الاجتماعيات في دولة الكويت وعلاقتها بمستوى دافعية المعلمين العجمي، نايف هايف عصام. 2014.
Communication skills stepladders to success for the professional / Ellis, Richard. 2002.
Shaping abortion discourse democracy and the public sphere in Germany and the United States /   2002.
Shaping abortion discourse democracy and the public sphere in Germany and the United States /   2002.
The winning message candidate behavior, campaign discourse, and democracy / Simon, Adam F., 1965- 2002.
The winning message candidate behavior, campaign discourse, and democracy / Simon, Adam F., 1965- 2002.
Communication and democratic reform in South Africa Horwitz, Robert Britt. 2001.
Communication and democratic reform in South Africa Horwitz, Robert Britt. 2001.
Media, markets, and democracy Baker, C. Edwin. 2002.
Media, markets, and democracy Baker, C. Edwin. 2002.
Media and the path to peace Wolfsfeld, Gadi. 2004.
Media and the path to peace Wolfsfeld, Gadi. 2004.
New television, old politics the transition to digital TV in the United States and Britain / Galperin, Hernan. 2004.
New television, old politics the transition to digital TV in the United States and Britain / Galperin, Hernan. 2004.
Comparing media systems three models of media and politics / Hallin, Daniel C. 2004.
Comparing media systems three models of media and politics / Hallin, Daniel C. 2004.
IEEE transactions on communications : communication software /   1983, c1982.
Communication starters : techniques for the language classroom / Olsen, Judy E. Winn-Bell. 1982.
Communication strategies an Emerald guide.   c2005.
Communication strategies employed by Algerian and Jordanian EFL learners in spoken discourse / Zerrouki, Nadia, 2021.
Communication strategies for conveying lexical meaning in the written production of Omani EFL students at Sultan Qaboos University / Al-Humaidi, Salma Hamad. 1995.
Communication studies / Price, Stuart. 1996.
Communication systems : an introduction to signals and noise in electrical communication / Carlson, A. Bruce, 1937- 2002.
Communication systems : fundamentals and design methods /   c2007.
Communication systems / Haykin, Simon S., 1931- c1994.
Communication systems / Haykin, Simon S., 1931- 1978.
Communication systems / Haykin, Simon S., 1931- 2010.
Communication systems/ Carlson, A. Bruce. 1975.
Communication systems/ Carlson, A. Bruce. 1975.
Communication systems: an introduction to signals and noise electrical communication/ Carlson, A. Bruce. 1986.
Communication systems analysis and design : a systems approach / Williams, Richard A., 1936- c1987.
Communication systems analysis, Johns, P. B. 1972.
Communication systems and techniques/ Schwartz, Mischa. 1966.
Communication systems/ Lathi, Bhagwandas Pannalal. 1968.
Communication systems engineering / Proakis, John G. c1994.
Communication, technology and cultural change Krug, Gary. 2005.
Communication technology and human development : recent experiences in the Indian social sector / Ghosh, Avik. 2006.
دور تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في إعادة هندسة العمليات الإدارية في المكتبات الجامعية في الأردن من وجهة نظر المدراء فيها / الرحاحله، منار أحمد محمود. 2016.
نظريات الاتصال = Communication theories / المزاهرة، منال هلال 2012
نظريات الاتصال = Communication theories / المزاهرة، منال هلال 2018
نظرية الاتصال والبحوث التطبيقية / سينجليتاري، ميخائيل و.، و. 1938 1999
Communication theory principles/ Mcmullen, Charles W. 1968.
Communication therapy in childhood schizophrenia : an auditory monitoring approach / Yudkovitz, Elaine. c1976.
Communication through writing / Coffey, Margaret Pogemiller. c1987.
الاتصال السياحي الدولي / كافي، مصطفى يوسف، 2020
Communication trends and political behaviour (a study of Kumaun) / Sharma, S. K. (Sanjeev Kumar) 2006.
Communication Verbs : a comparative & contrastive study of syntactic & semantic features in Arabic and English languages / Ghalib, Ahmad Khalid Muhammad Qayd. 2008.
Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence   c2011.
Macedonia World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Mauritania World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Uzbekistan World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Switzerland World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Zambia World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Haiti World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Australia World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Trinidad and Tobago World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Chile World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
French Guiana World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Japan World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Gambia World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
El Salvador World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Bermuda World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Georgia World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Madagascar World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Brunei World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Togo World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Mexico World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Jamaica World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Finland World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Kuwait World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Algeria World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Liberia World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Guyana World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Canada World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Laos World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Albania World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Chechyna World Trade Press. [2010], c1993-2010.
India World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Lithuania World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Croatia World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Iraq World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Myanmar World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
Gabon World Trade Press. c1993-2010 [2010]
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